
Black Liberty, the new colossus, 120”x90”, oil on canvas, 2020

Norbert, Jean-Antoine. Black Liberty. 2020. Oil on canvas. 120 in. x 90 in.

“Black Liberty” is a massive 10’ wide by 7.5’ tall mural-like painting depicting the Statue of Liberty National Monument in New York, New York with a fusion of the face of George Floyd. The lower portion of the painting features a replica of the plate at the base of the monument featuring the poem by Emma Lazarus “With silent lips, give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”. Atop of which is hand-sprayed with graffiti Floyd’s last words, “I can’t breathe!”. This painting is a protest against systemic racism, the inequality of civil rights, and in the treatment of people of color by the police and other authorities, particularly in the USA though it exists to some degree in most countries.

Castles.S. (1993), “Systematic ideas of 'race', in which phenotypical characteristics (skin colour, physical features) arose through European colonialism: from the 15th century onwards, religiously inspired views on the barbarity and inferiority of the indigenous peoples of Africa, Asia and America were created by Royalty, and were used to legitimate invasion, genocide, slavery and exploitation.” .

Nowadays, when a situation doesn’t go in our favor, even though there is no right for it, we use prejudice such as skin color, physical features to manipulate reality. This is done for no other reason than put ourselves first.

Though we are all spiritual beings having that same spirit or spark in us. With this consciousness of having that sameness inside, we can say we have the same value, dignity, and rights.

For this reason, the situation we live in now, following the death of George Floyd is a spiritual crisis and the only way out is to see every human being as a spiritual being having the same value, dignity, and rights.

Ref : Castles.S. (1993), Racism: a global analysis, Centre for Multicultural Studies, University of Wollongong, Occasional Paper 28, 1993, 45.

Study after F.Bacon, Pope Francis,Print Jiclee Today-2.jpg

Norbert, Jean-Antoine. Study after F. Bacon, Study after Velázquez's Portrait of Pope Innocent X. 2017. Oil on canvas. 72 in. x 58 in.

On September 24, 2015, Pope Francis gave a speech to the Congress of the United States of America during the Presidency of Barack Obama. Standing between the Democratic Vice President Joseph Biden (left) and then-Speaker of the House of Representatives, Republican John Boehner (right), Pope Francis (center) take a stance against extreme political agendas. This painting is a scream of protest against the Trump political agenda.



Norbert, Jean-Antoine. Euphoria and Suffering II. 2016. Oil on canvas. 81 in. x 83 in.

I like to use symbolic images to express my struggles, or more generally, those of society. Euphoria and Suffering I & II, is depicting the id, my desires, and how I was perceiving aggressiveness negatively. The painting expresses my Joy, of course, and the beauty of women and nature.

An ecstatic diver appears in Euphoria and Suffering II oil on canvas, her body framed against a background of blue sky interspersed with soft, white clouds. Her dancer’s limbs are organized, symmetrical. Her back is arched, her head is thrown back. Another shark figures in this picture is menacing, the sharp tip of its nose aimed at the diving woman, its mouth open, hungry…

Norbert, Jean-Antoine. Euphoria and Suffering I. 2016. Oil on canvas. 83 in. x 81 in.

In Euphoria and Suffering I, oil on canvas, 83” x 81” a woman in a crimson dress leap through the air, her legs folded towards her back, her arms raised towards the sky. She smiles, conveying a feeling of victorious joy. On the left side of the painting, a man catapults through space. A shark moves from the left in the direction of the woman.

Euphoria and Suffering I, (Detailed close-up)

Desire I, Detail 200-1600.jpg

Euphoria and Suffering I, (Detailed close-up)

Joy and the fear of the unknown IX-2.jpg

Norbert, Jean-Antoine. Joy and the Fear of the Unknown IX. 2018. Oil on canvas. 81 in. x 83 in.

Joy and the fear of the Unknown I, III and IX , are paintings that are talking about taking the leap when an opportunity occurs. So often, I doubt myself when a challenging opportunity occurs, especially when I want to go to the next chapter in my life or bring a project to the next level. 

Because of fear, I put myself into waiting mode and I miss the opportunity! These paintings remind me that yes, it is scary! Though there is beauty in the action of doing something scary, even if I am not aware of it. These paintings help me to just do it!

Joy and the Unknown, Oil on canvas, 24%22x 18%22, $2500.jpg

Norbert, Jean-Antoine. Joy and the Unknown I. 2018. Oil on canvas. 24 in. x 18 in.

Joy and the Unknown III, Oil on canvas, 24%22x 18” 2500$ .jpg

Norbert, Jean-Antoine. Joy and the Unknown III. 2018. Oil on canvas. 24 in. x 18 in.

Euphoria,  Oil on canvas 24%22x18%22, 2500$.jpg

Norbert, Jean-Antoine. Euphoria. 2015. Oil on canvas. 24 in. x 18 in.

Couple tension I,  Oil on canvas 62 X 62in.jpg

Norbert, Jean-Antoine. Couple tension I. 2015. Oil on canvas. 62 in. x 62 in.

Jean-Antoine Norbert, Life, Charcoal, Acrilyque & White Chalk on toned paper, 24%22x18%22, $750.JPG

Norbert, Jean-Antoine. Life. 2019. Charcoal, Acrylic & White Chalk on toned paper. 24 in. x 18 in.

Roman,acrylique, charcoal and white chalk on paper, 24%22x18%22, $750, 550.jpg

Norbert, Jean-Antoine. Roman. 2019. Charcoal, Acrylic & White Chalk on paper. 24 in. x 18 in.

Norbert, Jean-Antoine. Desire III. 2016. Oil on plexiglass. 20.5 in. x 20 in.

Desire III, detail-1600.jpg

Desire III (detailed close-up)

Impossibility to sleep under pressure, oil on canvas, 2015, 58’’x72’’.jpg

Norbert, Jean-Antoine. Impossibility to Sleep Under Pressure. 2015. Oil on canvas. 58 in. x 72 in.

Doppelgänger, wax, polyester and wood.jpg

Norbert, Jean-Antoine. Doppelgänger. 2016. Wax, polyester and wood. 19 in. tall.

This work is about a dream I had 20 years ago where while heading out of my father's room. I opened the doors and found this other me in front of me! He represented all the aspects of me that I was rejecting. I then felt threatened and entered a fight or flee mode towards myself!


Norbert, Jean-Antoine. Doppelgänger. 2016. Charcoal and white chalk on paper. 17 in. x 18 in.

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